The CES 2021 award winning team flies to the most important international event dedicated to emobility and presents LIBERA, the new e-bike model designed for last mile mobility.

VAIMOO, the connected e-bike sharing system made in Italy presents the new connected e-bike “LIBERA” at MOVE 2021, the major international mobility event, which closes today in London.

After being adopted in the UK and by the cities of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Stockholm, VAIMOO continues to innovate and presents “LIBERA”, the new e-bike that raises the bar again in the world of mobility sharing. Among the new features, in addition to a significant increase in vehicle autonomy, is the capacity to immediately recognise the presence of “virtual” stations, which are essential for reducing the urban clutter created by irresponsibly parked sharing vehicles.

MOVE was also an opportunity to meet with operators in the sector, and discuss the evolutions in progress, able to design the urban mobility of tomorrow.

On 9th November Matteo Pertosa, Founder and CEO of VAIMOO, opened the day with a speech entitled “Going Multimodal to nurture SuperShareUsers”, dedicated to the theme of multimodal transport and modal shifting.

Then it was the turn of two round tables focusing on highly topical issues: the first one dedicated to the mobility needs of food delivery companies, provided the points of view of GreenMo NL, Gorillas and Cooltra, while the second one focused on ongoing research and innovation activities to achieve sustainability, involving Lime, Dott, Spin and Pelation.