Mobility experts are of the opinion that for ensuring optimal use of public transport, especially in Karnataka, the government should follow the Singapore model of hassle-free commuting and digital payment services. 

Silvester Prakasam, head of Fare System, MSI Global Private Limited of Singapore, told The New Indian Express that the Indian government should look into the variety of payment models and link the mobility transaction card with that of bank cards. “It is very difficult for people to carry multiple cards. Incase of one bank cards, there is a method to restrict the transaction limit.

In Singapore, it has been done and it has worked very well,” he said. Addressing the media in Bengaluru on Wednesday, Singapore-based mobility expert Prakasam said, “Today everyone has a smart phone. There are many phone pay app options available in the market. Indian government should be very careful while dealing with unbanked citizens and it should also cooperate with transport and banking sectors.” Prakasam is known to have spearheaded the development of integrated ticketing system in Singapore. 

He also suggested that the government use data of all commuters to address the last mile connectivity issue. Based on commuters’ travel patterns, the last mile connectivity methods should be designed, like using feeder buses everywhere is not a cost-effective method; there should be taxis, autorickshaws, bicycles, scooters and more. 

