Shared Mobility

BICAR Pilot Program Cities

BICAR Program

The administrators in charge of the mobility infrastructures of London, Madrid and Barcelona, Amsterdam, Antwerp as well as Gent and even Singapore have expressed keen interest in the “Share your BICAR” concept. They all have identified a significant added value in this option, which is ideal for year-round use regardless of the season and allows drivers to forego the helmet, unlike existing sharing models, such as scooter and bicycles.
Good reasons for the City of Winterthur, the Regional Association of Baden Wettingen (RVBW) and the pick-e-bike sharing service of the Baselland Transport AG to sign cooperative agreements aiming at the deployment of the  BICAR vehicle as a pilot project in less than a year.

Right now, the development team is feverishly working on version BICAR 3.0 –  the vehicle that meets all registration criteria for operation on public roadways and that is slated for use during the pilot phase.
In conjunction with these undertakings, the enterprise can count on the support of the Alternative Bank Schweiz as an additional investor and has entered into cooperative partnerships with other Swiss companies (Kyburz, PostAuto, Bosch Car Service, etc.).
The European Parliament and many European cities have decided to cut urban metropolitan fossil fuel driven automotive transportation by up to 100%. Goals such as these fuel the vision of Share your BICAR AG with even more passion: “Every BICAR vehicle used as part of the sharing model reduces  CO2 emissions by at least a ton a year and results in the expendability of eight cars,” says Burri.
“In a joint effort with strong partners and investors who are eager to shape the future of metropolises with us, we will attain the goal of sustainable, CO2-emissions-free mobility.” Anyone interested in supporting the project is encouraged to reach out to the founders.

Share your BICAR AG develops and distributes an innovative, electric drive based mobility solution that has been optimized for short distance driving in urban, downtown areas. The solution consists of the BICAR vehicle, a battery exchange station and mobility software. BICAR is the world´s smallest and most lightweight vehicle, which is also patent-protected that allows an individual to quickly and safely zip through town while being protected from the elements.  Share your BICAR AG in a spin-off of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The enterprise was established by Adrian Burri and Hans Jorg Denning.

Share your BICAR AG
Höslistrasse 9 | 8608 Bubikon  | Switzerland | Tel: +41 78 854 21 10

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